Time Line:

Marcus Petronius Bashore: It all started in Shamokin Pennsylvania,1966 Labor Day Parade. I was 12, standing on Independence Street waiting for the parade to pass in front of my spot. I inched forward to see the floats, firetrucks, and of course, the marching band. As my excitement grew the Shamokin "Indian's" High School marching band was headed my way. First I saw the drill team with flags waving, and high flying spinning rifles. Then the marching band was here . Every one was stepping in cadence, and right in the middle of it all...the drum line. I felt a rush of energy  like I was being "blown over backwards" by the sound force of drums . That was it. I was hooked! A few days later my sixth grade teacher asked the class if anyone was interested in being in the band. I raised my hand, started drum lessons, and haven't looked back since...